
Turn static content into dynamic sales training experiences, backed by AI-powered coaching and performance tracking. 

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Brainshark Product Overview

Brainshark specializes in transforming sales teams through comprehensive training and readiness solutions, featuring AI-driven tools for personalized learning paths and skill development. The platform combines interactive content creation capabilities with performance monitoring tools, helping organizations track progress and identify areas for improvement in their sales force. Organizations across multiple industries, from life sciences to financial services, use Brainshark to create engaging training content, implement coaching programs, and measure sales readiness effectively.

🪙 Pricing Information for Brainshark

Custom quotes typically start at $20,000 annually for 20 users (approximately $83 per user/month). Two tiers available: Pro Plan with basic features and Premier Plan with advanced coaching tools. Free demos offered.

  • Pricing Information for Brainshark

    Custom quotes typically start at $20,000 annually for 20 users (approximately $83 per user/month). Two tiers available: Pro Plan with basic features and Premier Plan with advanced coaching tools. Free demos offered.

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